Wednesday, 22 July 2009

So fresh and so clean

Having just come back from our recent trips to Africa and France to a post-heatwave, somewhat gloomy London, I thought I'd maintain a little holiday cheer with a few posts about most useful travel products.

When you're abroad, keeping yourself and more importantly your kids clean and fresh can be a challenge when sometimes even the local water is tainted. You might even resort to using your own spit on a handkerchief (even though you remember how much you hated the feel of your mum's saliva on your face as a child).

Enter MomSpit, the ingeniously named no-rinse cleanser for hands and face, for use on anybody aged two and above. With its witty caption 'Inspired by the original', MomSpit serves to freshen up grubby cheeks and paws, easily removing anything from mud and sand to dried food and drink.

It comes in several flavours, such as the delicious Fig & Green Tea, equally yummy Lemon & White Tea or plain and simple Unscented. When there's no soap or sink available, wash up with just a squirt or two of this magic foam. The residue is slightly sticky at first but fades to a softly moisturising feeling that certainly beats the drying out quality of those alcohol hand rubs.

MomSpit comes in a range of dispensers that are small enough to fit in your hand luggage, baby bag or even your clutch. So put your tongue away and pick up a spit kit from these clever mumpreneurs. Trust me, your kids will thank you for it. Visit the MomSpit web site for more details.

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